2023 QR Code Adoption & Perception Survey Report
In the last few years, thanks to the pandemic, QR codes are surging. It started with menus, but now it’s everywhere, from packaging to billboards.
Earlier this year, we did our best to answer the question, “Do people scan QR codes?” We compiled a bunch of research from all over the internet. But we wanted a fresh take on usage and perception, so in May we ran our own survey!
Fresh data on QR codes
Despite a healthy range of technology adoption ratings, 94% of those surveyed were aware of QR codes. And 90% of the aware segment know how to scan a QR code.

Of those aware of QR codes in the survey group, 66% had scanned a QR code during the previous month. Another 9% scanned a QR code in the last 90 days and 6% recalled scanning a QR code in the last year.

We asked about the reasons people scanned QR codes and here were the top motivators.
- Earn rewards (67%)
- Get discounts or rebates (67%)
- Access setup instructions (45%)
- See product information (42%)
- Register a warranty (36%)
- Make another purchase (26%)
- Learn about company (26%)
And 87% of survey respondents believed QR codes were as helpful as a website or smartphone application.
And, finally, 95% of people have a positive/neutral sentiment about QR codes appearing on their products.
They were most interested in scanning the following types of products:
- Food and beverage (65%)
- Electronics and appliances (59%)
- Supplements, health, and wellness (45%)
- Beauty, cosmetics, and personal care (38%)
- Clothing (34%)

Survey respondents also expressed likelihood to scan:
- In-store displays (80%)
- Websites and emails (75%)
- Advertising signage (60%)
- TV commercials (54%)
- Print materials (51%)
Some additional details about our data set
We polled 500 people using the survey website Pollfish.
- Age quotas matching the age distribution of the U.S. Population.
- Split of women to men was 56:44
- Location: 25% rural, 44% suburban, and 31% urban.
- Tech adoption: 27% early adopters, 53% followers, 21% laggards.
Consumers like QR codes!
It’s safe to say that with 94% awareness and 90% knowing how to scan a QR code, QR code codes are mainstream. Not only that, but people find QR codes helpful and want to see more of them in circulation.
A great QR code experience brings multiple layers of benefits. It’s convenient, an improved experience, and a learning opportunity for consumers. And for brands, it’s a new source of engagement and a way to stimulate future purchases.
Only 6% of the survey group dislikes QR codes. What’s most reassuring is that 75% of survey respondents were willing to share their email addresses and or phone numbers in exchange for a discount via a QR code experience!
As the ubiquity of QR codes continues to increase, it's becoming increasingly challenging to ignore their influence. For the full report, sign up here.